Casino Questions: Are Video Poker Machines Rigged?
Are video poker machines rigged? Plenty of gamblers believe that they are.
Cashing In: An Insider's Look at 9-6 Video Poker Games
The word has been out for decades among video poker players: Look for "9-6" machines to enhance your chance to win.
Video Poker Play Can Be Boring – What to Do?
The old saying that variety is the spice of life can also apply to casino gaming. Different players are intrigued or bored by different things.
Don’t Commit the Seven Deadly Sins of Video Poker
The seven deadly sins of Christianity are generally well known. They are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. They can also apply to video poker – indeed to all casino gambling.
Low Pairs are More Powerful Than They Appear in Video Poker
If you are like most video poker players, you do not expect a lot when you are dealt a low pair for your initial hand. It seems like these hands never turn into winners.
Strategy Analysis: Holding Two Pairs in Video Poker
One of the more interesting hands in video poker is one that contains two pairs.
The Odds Against a Royal Flush (or Other Hand) Twice in a Row
Are Video Poker Machines Actually Random?
I doubt many video poker players even consider this question. They head to the casino (or play online) hoping their luck will bring them riches – or at least buy them some decent time playing their favorite video poker game.
These Hands Make a Big Impact on Winning at Video Poker
One important part of video poker strategy has nothing to do with what cards to hold or discard. Optimal play starts with being able to tell the higher-paying games at a glance.
What Is Return in Video Poker & How Can It Be Calculated?
Most serious video poker players understand what elements define a good game. These elements include return, variance, and strategy complexity.
Impact of Advantage Video Poker Players – A Complete Review
Aces Manufacturing based in Las Vegas produces “Video Poker Analyzer” capable of monitoring players expertise in playing correct video poker strategy.
Video Poker: Bankroll Size, Variance, Return, Risk of Ruin
The average casual video poker player is probably unaware of any of the title’s four elements other than in the most general sense.
The Cost of Playing Similar – But Wrong – Video Poker Strategy
Video poker players who play the game regularly – or even not so regularly – tend to have a favorite game or few games. They tend to play these games exclusively. They play the same pay tables for these select games.
Estimating the Return of Progressive Video Poker
Progressive video poker offers benefits and challenges for players. One of the major challenges is determining the return at a specific level of the jackpot. This articles explores that aspects of the game.
Pros & Cons of Playing Video Poker Sequential Royals
Video poker is a very popular casino game. There are literally dozens of variations. Many of the later variations were developed and produced to add more excitement to the game.