The Wheel Deal: Betting Roulette Sectors
Things are not always as they seem in roulette. Take the roulette table layout and wheel. New players quickly learn that the numbers on the wheel are not in the same order as the numbers on the layout.
The Tortoise and the Hare at the Casinos
I am sure you know the fable of the tortoise and the hare. They were in a race and the hare ran rings around the tortoise who slowly moved towards the finish line which was far, far away; while the hare danced, ran really, really fast, visited friends, partied, and I assume drank gallons of rabbit juice.
Winning More Often at Roulette Doesn't Guarantee More Money
Casino players like to win often. They also like to win a lot of money. The two goals sometimes are in conflict. Winning more often is not always the best thing for your bankroll. That's as true for online players as for those who play in live casinos.
Dressed to Gamble: Getting 'Gunned Down' at the Casinos
The famous fashionista Tim Gunn has a theory about why today’s civilized folks aren’t quite so civilized after all. His theory can be filed under the heading of “the slobbification” of our world. Or some such title.
Getting in Roulette Danger: Making Too Many Bets!
Roulette is a game with an amazing number of bets. These bets are all about the numbers, their colors, the types of numbers they are, where those numbers exist in conceptual terms (such as high/low, columns and such). It is a game where you can get lost in the numbers. You can also lose your money.
Roulette Strategy Guide: Searching for Biased Wheels
In this "Roulette Strategy Guide: Searching for Biased Wheels," you’ll learn about a well-known method that has been used to beat the game of roulette.
Saving Money at the Casinos is a Good Thing
I am a conservative player and I play all the time. Many trips of mine to the glamorous casino cities and counties can last upwards of 130 days. I am very much aware that what I am doing is flirting with Lady Luck and that the casino has structured its games to beat me and every other player now, and then, and usually always.
Take It Easy at the Casino With 'Less Stress Roulette'
When Blaise Pascal discovered roulette in the late 1600s, he was looking for something completely different. He wanted to discover the real Chalice of the Church – in fact, he wanted to be the scientist who created a perpetual-motion machine.
My New Roulette Strategy Betting On Just Three Numbers
When analyzing roulette outcomes in 2013, I discovered an interesting reoccurring pattern. Ever since, I’ve been observing how 1 of just three roulette numbers link-up as a winning outcome.