
Blackjack Strategy

A Different Kind of Blackjack: How to Play Spanish 21

Spanish 21 is a variant of blackjack in which all the ten-spot cards have been removed, resulting in a 48-card deck. The game is offered in land-based and online casinos. To compensate for the removal of the tens, and resulting higher house edge, the game has some very liberal playing rules and bonus hands. The basic p

Card Counting: True or False Quiz

The one aspect of the game of blackjack that has garnered the most publicity is card counting. Countless number of books have been written about it; a host of internet websites and “chat rooms” discuss it; and card counting has even been featured in several popular Hollywood movies (e.g., Rain Man and 21).

How Blackjack Is Played Worldwide

The premise of blackjack is simple: beat the dealer's hand total without exceeding 21. This is true everywhere in the world, including the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and across Africa. However, there are differences in how blackjack is played vis-à-vis the rules.

They Said What? Misinformation about Blackjack

After nearly 50 years of playing blackjack, I could write a book that would contain all the misinformation on blackjack I’ve read in books and the Internet, and heard in casinos (of all places) and from fellow players. But rather than write the book, I decided instead to write this article for your enlightenment.