All You Need to Know About Slots Betting
It' s long been said that the players who get the best deal on the offline and online slots are those who bet bigger. Casinos generally put higher payback percentages on slot machines with higher coin denominations, and at least on three-reel games, p
10 Slot Machine Cheats That Changed the Casino Industry
For nearly as long as there have been slot machines, there have been unsavory players who have tried to beat them using illegal means. But players have cheated with methods as low-tech as putting a coin on a string and yanking it back out after it tripped the coin-counting mechanism.
Slots Jackpot Chances: Crowded Casinos Vs. Empty Casinos
Looking for the best chance to win a big jackpot is practically the reason for existence for some slot machine players.
Advantage Play Against Slots
The good news: slot machines can be beat outright.
The bad news: most of what appears on the Internet and what's written in most books on the topic is nonsense.
Online Slots vs. Land-Based Slots: Which One is Better?
As slot machines have evolved from three-reel mechanical games to video and online slots, where we have changed too.