Blackjack Strategy

Is Doubling for Less a Smart Play?

For the most part, doubling down for less is not a smart play. Notice I said “for the most part.” There are exceptions, which I’ll explain shortly. But first, let me address the issue of doubling down for less in a traditional blackjack game.

2019 Blackjack Ball: the Inside Scoop (Part 2)

As promised, at the end of this article you will find the questions with answers to the challenging 21-question test given to the elite blackjack pros at the 2019 Blackjack Ball. Give yourself one point for each correct answer. (If you got 15 or more correct, you did better than all the blackjack pros that took the test.) 

A Different Blackjack Quiz

Sit back, relax, and try answering the following 20 questions in this quiz about the game of blackjack. This quiz is not solely about blackjack strategy; rather, it also covers some interesting facts and statistics about the game.